Mass wave of energy coming


Wave after wave of energy is entering your planet in these moments. What you need to understand is these waves are a gift. They contain codes that are changing your DNA and opening you to new and infinite possibilities. As you open, old programming is naturally released. Most of your population is unaware that these changes are taking place and may not realize it for many years until they look back and see the vast changes that have been made. For those that are aware of the process, we look to you to help the others along. You do not do this by pushing your views on another but rather by allowing them the space to go through this process. You do this by simply remaining in your heart and by understanding that all is happening perfectly.

While it is important to help one another, you must be careful not to prescribe to them a way of fixing their journey, as their journey is not broken. When you are tempted to judge someone for their habits, behaviors and even illnesses we ask that you ask yourself if you are in complete knowledge of their soul plan and goals. If you are not, then we ask you not to impose your soul plan upon another. We understand that it is hard to fathom why some would choose their paths, their illnesses, their behaviors and experiences. What must be understood is that all of you, those aware or not, are all here to perfect your souls, to experience as many dynamics that life in density, in form can offer you. Some of you have experienced this task before here on earth and on other planets. It is you who decided to enter earth in this life with added challenges. Just as when you exercise with weights if you keep the weight the same your muscle growth and definition will stop, so you add more weight to continue. This could be why some of you have chosen difficult lives full of strife and disharmony. Is it not easy to hold your vibration, to know your true self when you are alone? Yet it’s not until you add others and the happenings of daily life that you are truly tested.

Each of you have chosen your obstacles to overcome, they are all different and vast. For this reason one cannot  compare their journey, their path to another’s. Many of you, are true to your loving nature and want to help your fellow traveler. This is noteworthy and to be admired, however we urge you not to judge or label those who seem to be stuck or whom seem unwilling to make change in their own lives. It is they who need your compassion and love the most. We are not suggesting that you sacrifice yourself for another. Instead we ask that you show compassion and restraint, by understanding that you can not do anything more than share your experience, your point of view with another. While some will listen and accept your guidance, for others the exact same message will not help them as each of you are experiencing your own life, designed by the highest aspect of self to achieve your particular soul goals.

You may ask yourself why this is so important at this stage. It is because a mass wave of energy is coming to your planet within the next few days that will propel more into the 5th Dimension and even more to begin the awakening process. This will be felt immediately by some and not for weeks by others. This wave will be uncomfortable and life changing for many. Some will choose to act on the inner urging getting louder and louder, some will retreat further into fear and ego, some will simply let go and see the beauty in the process. None of these are wrong and again are designed and orchestrated by your soul source. Many will be searching for help, guidance and support. It will be your choice if you lead them into fear and judgement or love and acceptance of all they are; knowing that all is in perfect order and all will experience exactly what they have desired to.
